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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Can Acupuncture Help With Weight Loss?

Acupuncture has been one of the oldest medications in the world. At nearly 5,000 years old it surpasses just about everything else and even more so if you try and find anything else still used, or even not barbaric to modern medicine. But a new question has risen with the use of acupuncture asking if it is a boost to weight loss?

In short, yes it is a good way to boost your weight loss. But this comes with some extra complications to it and its not nearly as straight forward as some people would like it to be. While having acupuncture done is simple and easy, how it affects your weight loss progress is entirely different. Acupuncture works by releasing endorphins, the feel good pain releasing chemicals. This works two ways to help boost weight loss, by releasing endorphins it lowers your desire to eat for a while and it can also target different glands to increase your body's fat burning abilities.

However, acupuncture is not simply a solution on its own, it is merely a boost. Correctly dieting and working out is needed for any results. Acupuncture also needs to be done regularly for the results to continue. However a specialist will be able to decide how long and often you should have acupuncture done. But unlike other supplements to weight loss, acupuncture carries very little side effects to it. Other supplements can be addicting or have very harmful side effects to your normal life.

When first dieting these medications can cause many body upsetting situations that can make you feel uncomfortable. Acupuncture eliminates all of this, not only is it safe when you do it, it also is a good long term solution without the long term effects of other supplements. If you do choose to use acupuncture, make sure you speak about your goals with your provider as they can suggest one of the varieties of acupuncture styles.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Easy Ways To Lose Weight

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