If you are looking for a leaner, firmer, and sexier stomach, I have some fat belly loss tricks that can get you there fast. The biggest challenge any person has when it comes to losing weight is a stomach fat. It also happens to be the most dangerous area of the body to store fat. So go it must.
Keep reading to learn how to get rid of it.
Fat Belly Weight Loss
Massage Your Belly
This technique works great for spot reducing fat. You may have heard that it is not possible to spot reduce fat. I'm here to tell you can.
Personally, I perform this technique after meals for about one to two minutes. But you can also do it first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep at night.
Massage your stomach in circles for about a minute. Start with your left hand for a minute and then do the same thing with your right hand for the other minute. That's all there is to it.
Not only will this stimulate faster and better digestion, but it also loosens and breaks apart fat cells in the area you are massaging.
Interval Training
The exercise you choose doesn't matter. What does matter is that you do some form exercise hard and fast and follow it up with an interval in which the exercise is performed slow and easy. You can choose a stair stepper, elliptical machine, running, walking, or any other exercise that comes to mind.
This method of performing hard and fast intervals followed by slow and easy intervals will not just burn fat during the course of the workout, but your body will also continuously burn fat non-stop for up to eighteen hours after you have finished. This is what is known as the "afterburn" and is where huge gains in weight loss occur.
This kind of non-stop fat burning cannot be accomplished with a slow and steady jog or bike ride.
These two belly weight loss tricks are proven to work and will work for you, too. All you need to do is start doing them.
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